Stored, inoperable, unsightly, abandoned, or other concerns related to vehicles parked on the street within Rosena Ranch should be directed to the CHP (909-428-5400).
If you know where the vehicle owner lives, you can report the address of the vehicle owner, the address the vehicle is parked in front of (if different from the vehicle owner) make, model, color, and license plate number to the Association – the complaint does need to be in writing (email is considered “in writing” — please send the address and vehicle information to

The Association can send the Owner a courtesy notice – but does not have the jurisdiction or authority to fine the owner, ticket, or tow the vehicle.
If you do NOT know where the vehicle owner lives, but have all the other information (location of vehicle, make, model, color, and license plate), you can s ll report that information to the HOA (in writing) as well. The Association can then place a courtesy notice on the vehicle requesting the driver take corrective action.
Please keep in mind that the Association has no jurisdiction to ticket or tow the vehicle – the courtesy notice just informs the driver that (for example) they’ve parked blocking a crosswalk and to please park their vehicle elsewhere.
Recreational vehicles (trailers, campers, RV’s, boats, jet skis and the like may be parked in the community for up to (48) hours in a (2) week period for loading, unloading, washing and/or polishing.